Imagine having your own experienced advisor, available on call, for both business and personal finances, without the high cost or hassles.
Services Include:
- Coaching and Planning: Financial, tax, and business
- Investment: Portfolio allocation, tax shelter, and performance analysis
- Accounting: Custom-designed semi-automated systems including banking, payroll, and employee benefits
- Compliance: Tax returns and government filings
- Privacy, Safety, and Security: Policy statements and internal controls, offsite secure backup copy of documents
Three Levels of Service:
- Individual
- One-Person Unincorporated Business
- Corporate: Includes associations and partnerships with assumed recurring responsibilities
Simple Basic Pricing:
- $1,500/year or $125/month
- $2,400/year or $200/month
- $7,200/year or $600/month
Details: Each client agreement is customized to match your goals. Some personal services are ‘built-in’ at no additional cost, while others require additional fees and contracting with other firms. All details are agreed upon in a written engagement agreement and Work Plan. Due to limited active client capacity and work scheduling, we utilize an overflow listing when necessary.
Qualifications: I am dedicated to working-class investors and small business clients under a value-focused service plan. As one of the few highly trained and experienced CPA advisors with a diverse background in small business operations and management, law, tax, investment, real estate, coaching, and accounting, I offer a unique blend of expertise. I have owned and operated businesses ranging from an organic farm to real estate and a popular fintech employee benefits brand. Hundreds of “five-star” comments collected over more than three decades are available online on multiple platforms.
Contact: Text then call is usually easiest: 856-237-9199