Tier 1: Complete annual tax service
This is primarily an on-demand service.
Pre-negotiated written work plan including goals, expected results, timeline, and pricing.
Email updates at least weekly for active projects in the work plan.
Secure message communication, electronic document transfer and storage.
One business day staff response time to all communications during business hours.
Reading of your previously filed tax returns, your self-prepared proposed tax returns, and any tax notices you receive.
Reading and discussion of other documents you submit.
Tax return preparation, electronic filing and ACH payment of any taxes listed in the work plan.
Preparation of a typical individual tax return or review of your self-prepared tax returns.
Listing and video presentation of your most significant tax vulnerabilities.
Listing and video presentation of the most likely ways to reduce your tax liability.
Video presentation of review and discussion of current tax return.
Electronic storage of tax documents with bank level security.
Guaranteed access to upgrade to Tier 2 services after 12 months at this service level.
Minimum requirements: English language proficiency, a personal text number and email address, and the ability to view, scan, transport and electronically sign electronic documents.
Pricing: $1,500 in advance or $100 per month paid via automated monthly ACH or manual payment.
Tier 2: Tax and quarterly progress calls with on-demand access
This is the basic plan with all standard services.
All of the services listed above plus:
Your choice of regular non-secure text message service for document transfer (your own cell phone text messages).
On demand ongoing personal text and phone access to your personal CPA, including access outside of business hours.
Up to four schedule in-person or telephone progress update meetings throughout the year for quarterly tax and financial planning or other issues.
Guaranteed access to upgrade to Tier 3 service level after 12 months at this service level.
Additional requirements: Same as Tier 1 plus demonstrated ability to use discretion with advisor’s personal text and cell contact number outside of business hours.
Pricing: $100 per month additional fee over Tier 1. ($2,500 total)
Tier 3: Proactive planning and advice with performance benchmarks
This is an enhanced service that combines active planning or specifically agreed ongoing services..
All of the service listed above plus:
Proactive research and recommendations with a minimum required expected result of $10,000 tax savings, by design in the work plan, tax and financial plans, and evaluated in periodic progress reports.
Guaranteed access to upgrade to tax controversy representation resolution services in civil and potential criminal matters related the period covered by this service without additional up-front retainer.
Minimum requirements: The requirements for Tier 1 are waived and terms can be individually negotiated.
Pricing: $200 per month additional over Tier 2 ($5,000 total)