You do your own taxes on TurboTax and just have an occasional tax or financial planning question?
Take advantage of our low-priced client care plan. It’s only $92 per month and you can start and stop any time. To get started, just send a request by text message or email. All we need to send an invitation is your name and email address. If you prefer that we use text instead of email, please include the name of your wireless provider.
We are pleased to be one of the few professional tax firms that supports self-prepared taxpayers as well as offering traditional tax return preparation services. There is no need to feel concerned or be told that you have limited options if you feel that you might have made an error on your own self-prepared tax return. This is true whether you are seeking tax planning advice, compliance services or representation in a tax controversy. Whether you prepare your own tax return or want us to prepare it is entirely up to you. We offer the same three levels of support that are based on the level of access you prefer.
All three tiers of services listed below are open and available now. You may start at the lowest and upgrade later if needed. You may cancel at any time.
See the tax services pricing page for more information.